The reason for the 2 numbers of Buy views and subscribers on Youtube has decreased — AudienceGain

2 min readFeb 27, 2021


In general, the reduction in the number of views and subscribers to your channel is quite common sometimes. Maybe your audiences are no longer interested in your contents, so they unsubscribe. That sounds a bit sad, but you have no control over your viewer’s preferences.

However, what if most of your viewers are “unreal”? In this case, we mean that there’s a majority of inactive Youtube accounts that are created in mass to subscribe to your channel. These kinds of accounts are often created for the purpose of increasing views and subscribers for other channels.

To be more detailed, Youtube regularly verifies the validity of accounts and the performance of all YouTube channels, and it’s smart enough to recognize what are active and what aren’t.

For instance, if a Youtube account subscribes to your channel, however it doesn’t hit a like on your videos or leave any comments. That can be seen as an inactive Youtube account, and the platform would get rid of it.

In other cases, a single Gmail account creates several Youtube channels, then all of these subscribe to yours, then this can also be considered inactive. Besides, maybe it’s just your viewers decide to close their accounts.

You’re too focused on SEO

SEO Youtube videos — not appropriate for all niches

If you’re working in the marketing fields, you’re probably familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). That being said, Youtube SEO can be used as a tool to make your videos rank top on the search result, when users search on Youtube by specifically researching keywords, descriptions and tags.

Lots of experts tell you how to SEO videos and do keyword research. Nevertheless, do you think all millions of views videos have optimized keywords in order to increase subscribers? Absolutely not.

You need to look for the big picture here. In fact, there’re lots of videos that have no particular titles or descriptions but still have an amazing performance of growing views and subscribers.

As a result, you should remember that keyword research and description optimization are for video marketing only. For example, they can be sales and product promotion content, product reviews and so forth.

Besides, if your channel is mostly about affiliate marketing methods, then SEO is indeed important. But your man niches are about, say, vlogs, entertainments, music, then you should focus on what is viral recently on the Internet instead of SEO.

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AudienceGain is a Digital Marketing company focusing on supporting YouTubers achieve 4000 Watch Hours & start making money across the platform YouTube, Facebook