The best 4000 watch hours service to get you started making money on youtube

6 min readMar 1, 2021

4000 watch hours? This number isn’t too strange to Youtubers anymore. For your information, if you’re little exposed on this subject, this is one of the compulsory conditions for a Youtube channel to join the Youtube Partner Program (YPP).

In 2018, Youtube had made a change in requirements for channels that they must meet at least 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers within 1 year in order to start monetization.

Hence, by a conventional and audience-oriented way, we just need to create videos with great content that appeal to viewers and motivate them to subscribe to the channel to reach this threshold.

Furthermore, you need to finish this task in a consecutive 365 days from any given date.

To be more detail, let’s say you have 2000 watch hours and for the first 6 months and in a year, you only have 3500 watch hours. This figure hasn’t been eligible for Youtube Partner Program (YPP) yet.

However, in the next 6 months, you have gained 5500 watch hours, you can send the monetized application. Watch hours will still be valid as long as you keep earning enough for 1 year.

Apart from that, you also need 1000 subscribers and you can get this threshold in a lifetime since this requirement isn’t time-constrained. On the contrary, bear in mind that the more subscribers you have, the more views and watch time your videos generate.

So, the revenue is just on the side of a coin. Another reason (maybe the real reason) of 4000 watch hours you should aim for is the engagement between you and the potential audiences.

You need to produce high-quality videos constantly or else, the video’s views decrease, and ultimately the connection will drop meaning the less amount of money you will have.

How does Youtube count the watch time?

Watch time metric keeps track of how long a viewer watches a particular video. This metric applies not only to individual videos, but also to the entire channel as well.

However, there’s a common misunderstanding that public watch hours is directly proportional to the length of the video. Consequently, you can’t just grow public watch time simply by creating a longer video, as the quality is more important than the video’s length.

Now, let’s do some math!

You need 4000 hours watch time from all the videos you post on your channel. That means 240,000 minutes of viewing is required. Let’s say just one person watches your video, he/she will have to watch your video 24/24 for 166.67 days continuously. Indeed, that is completely impossible.

Moreover, no matter how unpopular your channel is, only one person viewing your channel is too few. (since the video-sharing site has 2 billion visitors per month anyway).

It will be difficult for you to predict the number of viewers who are willing to come to your Youtube channel. So let’s focus on the number and duration of each video.

For instance, on average, you post a 10-minute video per day within 1 year, and you’re the only viewer, so you have 3,650 minutes of viewing. That’s not enough, so you’ll need around 65 more people to watch your videos.

Again, this sounds kind of stupid, a bit!

Those people have to watch the videos every day for a year consecutively, as well as watch the whole 10 minutes. Well this makes sense in some sorts of way, unless you can really get 65 people you know into the habit of spending 10 minutes a day watching all of your videos, then we have nothing left to say.

That’s a good deal too good for you.

However, all mathematical calculations work only on paper. 365 videos in a year is too much, random and redundant, even though a channel with a large number of videos will be a good platform for Youtube to evaluate your channel.

In addition, ideas cannot be forced. Continuously planning and implementing ideas for 10-minute video content is an ineffective tactic (and that doesn’t take into account video production yet).

Another issue is the content quality. As we mentioned, Youtube has over 2 billion visitors a month, with more than 500 videos uploaded every minute.

On this video-sharing platform, there are tens of thousands of types of videos that creators upload, so this is no different from a fierce “content battlefield” of increasing views and subscribers.

Make sure your content is unique and original to increase your audience engagement, and make sure they watch all of your videos.

Besides, there is another factor like promotion campaigns for your channel. Just uploading a video is not enough, good content without finding the potential is also in vain. Your videos will be completely buried in the 500 videos posted every minute.

The fastest way to get 4000 watch hours on your youtube channel is to buy them — buy 4000 Youtube watch hours

The service of buying 4000 Youtube watch hours

We know that “buying 4000 Youtube watch hours” is already a common term on Google.

There are a lot of places where you can go “buying 4000 watch hours” but here I want to introduce you to the place I trust the most, which is AudienceGain.

Why should you buy watch hours from AudienceGain?

It can be said, it is very difficult to achieve 4000 watch hours to make money on youtube channel as we have analyzed above. And so if you are looking for a quick way to start making a profit on your channel, you may have to purchase YouTube watch hours or other packages needed for your purpose.

And AudienceGain is a place you shouldn’t miss out on.

Their services increase your chances of being approved to make money on Youtube channel. Besides, with the more watch hours you own, their service keeps your channel reliable because of its natural growth.

They help you meticulously in distributing your video on social platforms, you can be completely assured of the actual viewing hours as well as the number of subscribers.

To be more granular, the advertising campaign will take time to finish. However, you can follow the progress and then be amazed by the results. Usually deliveries for this service are between 24–72 hours.

Such package timing is to ensure that your clock hours are completely safe and legal. Furthermore, during the process, trust me, you always have their support to analyze your channel as conscientiously as possible and if you have any questions about how it works, the support team. AudienceGain’s dedicated support is always ready to serve you 24/7.

Their other customers like me are always ready to return for the nth time because not only their service attitude, but depending on your order this time, next time you will receive other discounts. .

Last but not least, they always offer a safe, legal money-back guarantee should any problem arise with your order.

Benefits of buying YouTube Watch Hours at AudienceGain

  • Maximize the chance to get approved for YouTube Partner Program.
  • 100% public Watch Hours from legal promotion campaign.
  • 100% real Subscribers will create potential views for future videos.
  • Target to the right audience to increase the chance to get recommended.
  • Full channel evaluation & provide detailed SEO strategies.
  • Analyze your competitors and tell you how to be better than them.
  • The best and optimal assistance from our dedicated support team.
  • No video-length required.

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AudienceGain is a Digital Marketing company focusing on supporting YouTubers achieve 4000 Watch Hours & start making money across the platform YouTube, Facebook