Should you buy Youtube watch time?

5 min readMar 15, 2021


Here are the pros and cons of buying YouTube views that I come up with to give you, see if it’s relevant and better when you buy or not buy views.

The cons of buying Youtube watch time

All the bad consequences of buying Youtube watch time come from dealing with untrustworthy suppliers.

“Speed-of-light” increase in views and watch time

There is no faster and more effective method of increasing engagement metrics than running ads. Besides, this method will take a few days to complete, so don’t count on any offers to get you the necessary views and watch hours in less than 24 hours.

Based on your information, requirements and quantity, reputable providers will set up ads plans in the most optimal time period, giving you results that are worth your wait.

Getting flagged or suspended

Getting flagged from inactive users

Youtube’s terms of service do not allow any view-increasing tactics using automated software, such as the Youtube bot and proxies.

The most obvious sign of buying views that Youtube will quickly detect is the number of interactions from likes and comments is very little compared to the number of views and subscribers. This proves that what your purchase comes from non-existent viewers of inactive accounts.

Your video is more likely to be flagged, warned, or even worse, the channel will be permanently removed from YouTube if the platform detects the fraud.


To put it simply, spam is a form of annoyance to others, constantly repeating a certain action, but it is worthless and not helpful. Therefore, if an individual or organization is continuously spamming on any video, Youtube will remove it.

Get rid of spam on Youtube

Here are 3 main forms of spam, listed on the top of Youtube. It’s video spam, comment spam, or fake traffic spam. In the form of video spam, users have violated posting a large number of worthless videos, boring content on Youtube.

Meanwhile, as for comment spam, it is the user who violates the principle of posting repeated comments, or a user whose purpose is to entice viewers to leave the Youtube page and join another site, that content will be listed as spam error.

Likewise, traffic spam is the use of tricks by individual users/organizations to increase views, likes, and comments. Or use some automated systems to circumvent the rules. In general, all such actions will be removed by Youtube.

The pros of buying Youtube watch time

Many creators turn to suppliers for Youtube watch time not only for the purpose of buying and selling but also because they need YouTube channel development tactics.

No more pressure of valid time to join YPP

Participate in YPP to make money

Instead of continuously producing content with no revenue for a year, owning the necessary watch time you want in just a few days is the biggest and most attractive advantage of this service.

Content or ideas that you have in the early stages of your channel can now be used directly for monetized videos after being approved by YPP. The amount you earn is even very small, but at least you have reaped the results and are motivated by them to keep going.

Leverage for recognition on Youtube

We are so judgmental, just admit it! Even you can hardly click to watch a video with only a few dozen views on a Youtube channel that has less than 100 subscribers.

Regardless of the quality of the video’s content, viewers will have a completely different view of a channel of at least a few thousand subscribers, with a steady video-uploading frequency and a stable increase in views.

Furthermore, there is one important thing that we cannot fail to mention. The number of watch hours and views you buy from suppliers actually does not directly generate revenue and gain visibility from the community. However, they trigger the Youtube algorithm to notice your channel.

Based on those available views, this platform will recommend your video to audiences interested in your topic. Now that continuous recognition begins, video ranking on search engines increases, engagement increases as watch hours and views increase, and this cycle repeats itself.

Moreover, finding a reputable provider will help your channel development much more optimally. They will find ways to run ads to boost your video’s views to the right audience to increase retention rate.

The ranking improvement will also help the video increase its reach to many communities on Youtube. The fact that more people watch your videos can make a huge impression, that you have proved that you’re certified in a certain field and you want to bring great value to users.

More advice for further development

There is no universal formula for long-term growth, but if you learn from pioneering creators or seek help from experts, creating video promotion campaigns and content development will be less complicated and faster.

Optimal advice for further growth

Views and watch time providers not only simply give you the numbers and receive money from you, they will also give you wholeheartedly support for channel development after you have joined YPP, such as how to design an attractive thumbnail, Youtube SEO or any other technical glitch.

My comments

Before making any purchasing decisions with any supplier, consider the information we have covered above so that you can make a reasonable choice.

There is another issue we would like to talk about, which is the cost. In general, the cost of running ads for a promotional campaign will be relatively expensive, but not unaffordable.

Depending on the quantity, the price will be different, moreover in one case, you will need a number of watch hours for a certain period of time to get the best results.

So, to ensure safety, choose the top service providers, do not worry too much about the price story because otherwise you may lose more.
If you want a place that you think will be safe from me, then it’s probably AudienceGain.
Anyway, if you have any questions or concerns, please come to me.





AudienceGain is a Digital Marketing company focusing on supporting YouTubers achieve 4000 Watch Hours & start making money across the platform YouTube, Facebook