How to make money by playing games on Facebook — AudienceGain

3 min readFeb 26, 2021

For the game streamers in general, the birth of Facebook Gaming has contributed a large part to the development of the gaming community, and this has gradually become a potential millions-of-dollars-earning career.

So to be able to livestream to make money on this platform, creators need to have a large number of followers and a monthly number of viewers. According to several sources, a Facebook streamer having the generated views ranging from 300–400 viewers per broadcast can earn around $1200.

The competition on Facebook Gaming will be less fierce than Youtube Gaming or other gaming platforms, so that creators can earn more revenue.


The first method of making money by playing games on Facebook is to make donation money from viewers. To be more detailed, game streamers can join Facebook’s Level Up program, which requires the conditions we have mentioned above

After meeting these requirements, streamers will start receiving donations from viewers in the form of Stars during the livestream. Currently, one star equals $0.01.The game streamers will receive the revenue once they reach 10,000 stars (which is $100)

In addition, based on the number of subscriptions, the streamers can also check money from this source. This form is similar to the form of “star” donation and subscriptions like Youtube, Twitch and Mixer.

Paid deals

By this method, streamers will sign a partnership contract with Facebook. The platform selects top gamers to sign contracts, agree to quota streaming and receive regular financial support from Facebook.

On top of that, streamers will also be allowed to test out new Facebook features such as Adbreaks and custom sticker packs for fans.

In fact, a lot of streamers share that they make a lot of money through Facebook Gaming, even more than other live streaming platforms. It can be seen that this is also understandable because Facebook is a social networking platform with an extremely huge number of users

Other methods to make money by playing games on Facebook

In addition to earning revenue from related parties, gamers on Facebook Gaming can still monetize from some of the best features on their own thanks to a large number of followers.

Affiliate Marketing

Just like any other platform, with a huge following and a steady fan base, creators can sign up for affiliate marketing programs for products they are interested in.

If there are products that you want to mention during the live stream, include them in the description and attach the link to the product of the brand you work with.

If your audiences decide to click on the link and buy the products, you get a commission.

Selling merchandise

Similar to the Merchandise shelf of Youtube, you absolutely can showcase your own goods (or of others) on Facebook Gaming.

SE Merch (Stream Elements merch)

This feature allows you to sell goods from the parties you work with and Stream Elements will take orders and provide services to close customers.

Design by Humans

This is a feature that lets you go from designing your products to selling them to your followers. Design by Humans will work with several online stores to help set up a merchandise store.

Work with supported sponsor

Many sponsors are willing to work with smaller live streamers if they’re working to produce quality content and have an enthusiastic following. When contacting (or hearing from) sponsors, be sure to work with companies that you love and their products that you will take pride in representing.

Moreover, when working with sponsors, it’s a good idea to get a second opinion from a more experienced streamer before signing any contract or agreeing to anything to avoid being taken advantage of due to your inexperience.

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AudienceGain is a Digital Marketing company focusing on supporting YouTubers achieve 4000 Watch Hours & start making money across the platform YouTube, Facebook