Advertising on YouTube videos is really beneficial for creators

5 min readMar 2, 2021


Thanks to the fact that Youtube quickly became the second largest video search platform after Google, it’s sufficiently evident to prove the benefits of Ads on Youtube videos.

Large user force

Playing the role of being both a search engine and a social networking site, Youtube can reach a huge number of Internet users all around the world. Furthermore, reaching the right target audience is also one of the great advantages of YouTube Ads.

Youtube has a large number of active users

Accordingly, you can choose whether your target audience is women or men, married or single, at what age group, where they live, what their interests are,…in order to bring the highest effectiveness of video promotion.

Apart from being able to target potential customers, you can also focus your ads on specific channels or videos. That is, you can attach your ads to videos with lots of views that are relevant to your target audience.


Advertising on Youtube helps to bring about 80% higher net income than traditional TV advertising (of course with careful reconsideration on budget).

As a result, depending on the expenses you spend, you will get corresponding results.

In addition, by Youtube Ads you can limit the maximum number of CPM (cost on 1000 impressions) for each user object (for example, limit each person to only see 5 times/week). Your ad will not appear too densely, therefore increasing the visibility of the ad, reducing the likelihood of annoying spam.

Knowing which type of Youtube advertising is right for you, which will bring you the most effectiveness at a reasonable cost.

Purchase behavior

This factor affects every user on Youtube, including both creators and audiences. Today, a large number of users visit YouTube and Google every day to discover the passions and benefits they have, and it is the job that marketers and creators do to make connections with consumers on their own passions and preferences.

Think with Google — Youtube insight

Here are some metrics from thinkwithgoogle — youtube insight so you can understand the influence of Youtube on marketing in general and creative work in particular.

  • 66% of beauty product buyers indicated that YouTube influenced their purchases by helping them visualize how products fit their lifestyle.
  • 72% of car buyers indicate that YouTube influenced their purchase by providing videos that use the actual vehicle they are reviewing.
  • 62% of smartphone buyers indicated that YouTube influenced their buying behavior with video tutorials and reviews about that phone.

Variety of equipment

Another great advantage that Youtube Ads brings is that the advertisement can reach potential customers on many devices such as: Mobile, computer, tablet,… which is also accessible anytime, anywhere, no matter where they are at home, in school or at work.

Main types of Ads on Youtube videos

Overall, of the 8 types of Youtube advertising, only 5 are used most often and are most effective for promotional purposes for marketers and creators.

Youtube Masthead


This ad format will be displayed on the top of the Youtube homepage in the form of a banner or video 24/24 and compatible with all interfaces. Moreover, it attracts the most number of views because users will see it first when they visit Youtube.

Its large size, beautiful and very stimulating appearance that makes users click on means that advertising costs are quite high, ranging from 10,000 $ — 15,000 $ and must be booked with Google in advance.

However, you will not be able to implement this form of advertising on your own because Google has very strict rules for marketers who want to apply it to promote products. Only big brands like Pepsi, Coca, Unilever,…can afford to spend on advertising in this prime area.

Pre-roll Ads

Pre-roll Ads

Pre-roll is a type of ad with a scroll bar that allows preview ads, appear once before watching the video. Normally the beginning is a 15-second advertisement followed by a high-quality 2–5-minute clip that brings a good effect. However, the ad will only be charged after 30 seconds of viewing the ad.

Trueview Ads

Skippable in-stream Ads

This format will be displayed on the Google Display Network, not just on Youtube. Advertisers are only charged when the user watches at least 30 seconds of the promotional video and also for a view when a user clicks on the attached affiliate link to see the product.

Trueview Ads can be displayed many times, which helps appealing more audiences, but also can cause annoyance for viewers.

And in Trueview ads there will be 2 different types of ads, In-stream ads and Discovery ads.

Skippable in-stream Ads

TrueView In-Stream Ads are advertisements that are played before, during or after YouTube videos are played. These are the types of videos that can be skipped (skip ads) after 5 seconds, and businesses will not be charged when users choose to skip promotional videos.

In-stream video ads may include call-to-action buttons that you can design to match your message in the promotional video.

Bumper Ads/Non-skippable in stream Ads

Bumper Ads only lasts for 6 seconds

Which is a small type of Trueview Ads (and the most widely-used). It lasts for only 6 seconds and can’t be skipped. The cost is based on CPM.

Discovery Ads

Discovery ads will appear with other organic search results. So the more similar your ads are to other organic videos, the more likely users will choose to see your ads.

See more:

See more information that you need to care about youtube here:




AudienceGain is a Digital Marketing company focusing on supporting YouTubers achieve 4000 Watch Hours & start making money across the platform YouTube, Facebook